Using Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring to Examine Glycemic Response

May 2019

Researchers from Singapore sought to examine glycemic response and fat oxidation in young healthy Asian men after a 1-day low-GI diet or a 1-day high-GI diet, using a randomized controlled, cross-over design.


The researchers used local low-GI foods to create a low-GI diet and used a continuous blood glucose monitor to assess day long blood glucose levels. The low-GI diet resulted in lower 24 h glucose iAUC, lower postprandial glucose iAUC after the 3 meals and snack, and also decreased glycemic excursions. This study also demonstrated that low-GI diets promote fat oxidation over carbohydrate oxidation.


“Given the importance of postprandial glucose levels, continuous blood glucose monitoring is a valuable measurement tool.

Continuous blood glucose monitoring allows us to closely examine fluctuations in blood glucose levels for a longer period of time. It is especially useful when demonstrating the effectiveness of a specific treatment program or dietary regiment.”


Dr. Alexandra Jenkins, Director of Research


To read the article, click here.