The Ratio of Rapidly Available Glucose to Slowly Available Glucose

June 2022

Slowly digested carbohydrate, also known as slowly available glucose (SAG), has numerous health benefits – including an ability to reduce glucose and insulin responses, as well as having a satiating effect. We are often approached to conduct trials that examine effects of foods containing slowly digested carbohydrates.

A potential indicator of the quality of digestible carbohydrates could be the ratio of rapidly available glucose (RAG) to slowly available glucose, i.e.; the RAG:SAG ratio. We recently published a report of trials we conducted to examine the effect of altering RAG:SAG ratio on glucose and insulin responses, as well as feelings of hunger. The findings from the 4 different clinical trials, each involving a different group of participants, demonstrated a reproducible effect, such that each 50% reduction in RAG:SAG ratio reduced the relative glycemic response by about 4% (relative glycemic response = 100×T/C, where T and C are the incremental areas under the curve of the Test and Control products, respectively).

Furthermore, when we analyzed the results of previously published studies from different authors using the same method we used to analyze our results, we found consistency after correcting for confounding factors that affect glycemic response.

“These studies were purposely designed to isolate the effect of the resistant starch. Using this well-controlled design, we were able to demonstrate a highly reproducible effect. The large number of subjects used in these trials also allowed us to a conduct multiple regression analysis to closely examine the effect of different participant variables, such as ethnicity, age, and BMI on glucose, insulin, and hunger responses.” says Dr. Thomas Wolever, Principal Scientist and Medical Director at INQUIS.

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