Effects of Oat Beta Glucan Viscosity

February 2020

New research from INQUIS examined the effect of the viscosity of oat β-glucan on appetite and food intake. Study participants consumed 4 different test meals; a control meal, test meals with 2g and 4g oat β-glucan with a high molecular weight and high viscosity, and one test meal with 4g oat β-glucan treated with enzymes to reduce its molecular weight and viscosity.  The results demonstrated that the viscosity and molecular weight of the oat β-glucan had a significant effect on gastric emptying and on glucose concentrations, but no effect was detected on appetite or food intake.


“This study was an exciting one, because it involved tremendous scientific collaboration between an ingredient company, a food company, chemical processors, experts in oat β-glucan, and a CRO. As well, in order to ensure uniformity and high ingredient quality, our clinic staff here at INQUIS used a specific method developed by chemical processors to hydrolyze the oat β-glucan immediately before serving it to the study participants. This novel method to change the viscosity of a known chain of oat β-glucan was required to enable us to carry out a study of this level of complexity. The results of this study indicate that while viscosity has a significant effect on gastric emptying and glucose concentrations, this effect does not extend to appetite or food intake. High quality studies that demonstrate no effect are important steps on the path to uncovering mechanisms of action.” 



– Dr. Thomas Wolever, President and Medical Director at INQUIS Clinical Research

To read the article, click here.